Do you how to make money on Medium? It’s easy than you think after reading our complete guide in this blog from Life Gadgets Online. Let’s start!

How To Make Money On Medium?
How To Make Money On Medium?

1. What is Medium?

Medium is one of the few blogging platforms where you can earn money by posting high-quality content. This platform founded by Evan Williams, the former CEO of Twitter, launched in 2012. Publishers and bloggers can use the platform to share their work or to create new articles.

This is a website where you can read articles on the Internet. Medium, like WordPress or Blogger, is a blogging platform. It is produced by a team of top-tier editors, PR flacks, paid writers, startup bros.

When paying members to read your stories, you can earn money if you join Medium and write amazing articles of your choice. Medium’s main metric for making money on the platform is “member reading time.”

Medium’s most popular topics are:

  • Culture.
  • Technology.
  • Self.
  • Entrepreneurship.
  • Productivity.
  • Creativity.
  • Media.
  • Politics.

2. Can You Make Money Writing on

The answer is yes. is one of the few blogging platforms where you can sign up quickly, publish great content, and get paid after a month.

If a new writer only writes one story, making money is very slim. The key to becoming a successful writer on any blogging platform is to create high-quality content.

Stay consistent as a writer, promote social media, and grow your Medium earnings over time. If you stick with it, you might even be able to turn it into a full-time passive income.

3. How To Make Money On Medium

Medium is an online publication that focuses on high-quality writing. Readers enjoy reading informative and personal experiences articles. In a Medium article, quality is definitely rewarded over quantity.

Here are some common ways to make money on Medium:

3.1. Affiliate Marketing

On Medium, affiliate links are permitted. You must disclose in the article that the links are affiliate links and that you will be compensated for any purchases made via the links.

Links work best in affiliate marketing when they are embedded in high-quality content that establishes trust and authority. If you can do this in an article, you might be able to use Medium’s massive traffic to generate some solid sales from a well-placed link.

Other ways to monetize Medium articles are:

  • Direct affiliate sales.
  • Use your writing abilities and the platform’s traffic to drive traffic to your affiliate website.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing

3.2. Bonus Payments

When someone writes a truly outstanding article, the human editors at Medium want to recognize and reward it. There aren’t many clear definitions of what qualifies as a bonus payment.

A bonus payment is sometimes given to an article that an editor or reviewer thinks is particularly outstanding. According to most writers who have received them, these bonus payments on Medium are generally $100 flat.

3.3. Curated & Featured

When describing articles on Medium, two terms are coming up frequently: Curated and Featured.

An article that has been curated has been deemed high-quality by an editor to be recommended in one or more topics. This gives you a little more exposure and allows you to be discovered by readers.

Being featured means that your well-written article hits the right notes in terms of what is trending at the time. You get a lot of front-page exposure, which is extremely beneficial for writers.

3.4. Driving Traffic

Medium’s ability to drive traffic is one of its most valuable assets. A single article that receives a lot of attention can send many potential visitors to a website. This traffic can be directed to your website that sells products, services, an e-book, or an affiliate site.

Driving Traffic
Driving Traffic

3.5. Medium’s New Author Bonus

Medium’s new author bonus structure rewards top-performing writers with extra cash in order to encourage them to write more.

The current bonus tiers are as follows:

  • Earn an additional $500 bonus if you are among the top 1,000 writers.
  • Earn an extra $100 bonus if you are among the top 1,001–1,500 writers.
  • Earn an extra $50 bonus if you are among the top 1,501 – 2,000 writers.

3.6. Promotion & SEO

Medium can generate revenue for marketers by participating in online promotion or SEO efforts. Because Medium is a website with a high level of trust and authority, a link from it will be beneficial to SEO.

The fact that your articles are curated or even featured can mean a lot of money for your Medium earnings. An increase in readers could result in a significant rise in awareness of who you are and what services you provide.

3.7. Reading Time

Whether you are trying to make money from Medium by getting paid for your writing or using it to drive traffic to a website or promote your services, reading time is important. It’s best if you can get as much attention as possible.

3.8. Referring New Medium Members

There is now a referral program from Medium! You can now profit from your readers by converting them into paying Medium members. You will get half of a reader’s membership fee if you refer them to Medium. This equates to approximately $2.01 per month per referral.

Referring New Medium Members
Referring New Medium Members

3.9. Subscribers vs. Non-Subscribers

When you write an article for Medium, you can make it public or keep it behind the Medium paywall. Not all views and read times are used to determine whether or not an article is paid.

Only views and reading time from readers paying the $5 monthly description count toward being paid for your article. Keeping your content behind a subscriber paywall can actually help you get more traffic and attention than you would otherwise.

3.10. Two Main Paths

There are generally two main paths to make money on Medium, and these two ways can be combined to some extent.

  • Direct income paid by Medium.
  • Using Medium to increase traffic and boost your web properties.
  1. How does Medium pay people?

Medium’s payment methods have changed as of October 2019. There are now two ways to profit from a story.

A percentage of each Medium member’s subscription is paid to the platform’s authors (for instance, $4 of every $5 monthly subscription).

Each story can receive a portion of these payments in two ways:

  1. Medium members’ total read time on your articles.
  2. You get a bonus if a non-member reader registers within 30 days after reading your article.

After you sign up on Medium, you can make your account eligible for payments by joining the Medium Partner Program.

Do you find your own answer about how to make money on MediumLife Gadgets Online hope our article can help. You can choose the method that suits your ability, writing skills, and preferences in numerous options we showed.

By Admin

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